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tugas softskill III : exercise 35,36,37,38,39,40

Exercise 35 : Passive Voice
1.      The president is called by somebody every day.
2.      The other members are being called by Jhon.
3.      The documents were being delivered to the department by Martha.
4.      The amendement has been repealed by the other members.
5.      The information has been received before the recess by the delegates.
6.      The supplies should be bought for this class by the teacher.
7.      Mr. Watson will be called tonight by somebody.
8.      Considerable damage has been caused by the fire.
9.      A new procedure was being developed before the bankruptcy hearings begin by the company.
10.  The papers will have been received tomorrow by John.

Exercise 36 : Causative Verbs
1.      Leave
2.      Repaired
3.      Type
4.      Call
5.      Painted
6.      Write
7.      Lie
8.      Send
9.      Cut
10.  Sign
11.  Leave
12.  Wash
13.  Fixed
14.  Published
15.  Find

Exercise 37 : Relative Clause
1.      The last record which produduced by this company became a gold record.
2.      Checking accounts that require a minimum balance aare very common now.
3.      The professor whom you spoke yesterday is not here today.
4.      John whose grades are the highest in the school has received a scholarship.
5.      Felipe bought a camera which has three lenses.
6.      Frank is the man who we are going to nominate for the office of treasure.
7.      The doctor is with a patient whose leg was broken in an accident.
8.      Jane is the woman who is going to china next yeaer.
9.      Janet wants a typewriter that self-corrects.
10.  The books which I found last week contains some useful information.
11.  Mr. Bryant whose team has lost the game looks very sad.
12.  James wrote an article which indicated that he disliked the president.
13.  The director of the program who graduated from Harvard University is planning to retire next year.
14.  This is the book that i have been looking for all year.
15.  William whose brother is a lawyer wants to become judge.

Exercise 38 : Relative clause Reduction
1.      George is the man chosen to represent the committee at the convention.
2.      All of the money accepted has already been released.
3.      The papers on the table belong to Patricia.
4.      The man brought to the police station confessed to the crime.
5.      The girl drinking coffe is Mary Allen.
6.      John’s wife, a professor, has written a several papers on this subject.
7.      The man talking to the policeman is my uncle.
8.      The book on the top shelf is the one that I need.
9.      The number of students counted is quite high.
10.  Leo Evans, a doctor, eat in the restaurant every day

Exercise 39 : Subjunctive
1.      The teacher demanded that the student leave the room.
2.      Correct
3.      It was very important that we delayed discussion.
4.      Corrent
5.      Correct
6.      Correct
7.      I advise that you take the prerequisites before registering for this course.
8.      His father prefers him to attend a different university.
9.      Correct
10.  She urged that we find another alternatif

Exercise 40 : Inclusive
1.      Not only
2.      And
3.      Both
4.      But also
5.      As well as
6.      Not only
7.      And
8.      But also
9.      As well as
10.  As well as


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